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i really love to watch movie and i want to be a great director

review : sherlock holmes

Saturday, January 30, 2010 at 11:27 PM
heeellooo , last day on january feel so amazing hahahah , oke gapenting , hey hey gw mau review film sherlock holmes yang (klo gak salah) bakal jadi franchise terbaru warner bros stelah harry potter yang sebentar lagi akan habis masa filmnya , dan inilah pendapat gw tentang film sherlock yang baru di remake lagi , enjoooy ....

ehem filmnya sih menurut gw tidak terlalu memuaskan , yaa gw sebagai penggemar berat novelnya bisa dibilang kecewa lah ya bhuhuhu gak tau kenapa menurut gw robert downey gak bisa nampilin sosok sherlock yang cerdas , yang gw suka justru jude law as watson yang menurut gw sih akting nya emang kayak nyatu banget gitu (lebay) dengan karakternya si watson .

cool meter : o o

(semua yang diatas cuma subjektivitas gw , maaf ya klo gak suka :) )


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 3:57 AM
hello again ,
bulan desember kemaren james cameron yang terkenal (banget) dengan kapal mau tenggelam nya itu ngerelease film baru dia yang terbaru yaitu avatar yaang sangat mengguncang dunia perfilman (lebay)ya karena budget nya itu tinggi sekali. nih nih pendapat gw tentang film itu hehehe

AVATAR = full effect , cool action , not so cool drama . gak percuma JC nunda proyek sampe lama cuma buat bisa dapet efek yang bener2 canggih ya dan terbukti memang sangat amazingly cool ! tapi sayangnya ceritanya itu biasa saja , walau menurut gw sih agak tertutupi ya dengan si efek nya itu . dan isi filmnya itu nyindir banget manusia yang rakus dan menghalalkan segala cara buat dapetin apa yang mereka pengenin

cool meter : o o o

(semua nya itu hanya subjektivitas dari saya maaf klo gak suka :) )

10 things i hate about you

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 4:40 AM
heyyy , have been long time ye gw gak nulis , fufufu sory deh soalnya gw bingung mau nulis film apa ..
nih gw mau bahas film TEN THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU salah satu amazingly movie from HEATH LEDGER whehehe okay here it is ...

Okay heath looked fat in there hahaha but he still look handsome..

Here is the cast ..
Heath Ledger as Patrick Verona
Julia Stiles as Kat
Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Cameron
Larisa Oleynik as Bianca

And this is my lovely heath !

Heath with Julia stiles ,his love interest in that movie

this is kat poem to Patrick after she know that he has lie to her! I love the last “ I HATE THE WAY I DON’T HATE YOU”…

When heath sing to kat that he love her ..
♪ cant take my eyes out of you ♪
( know that songs ?)

And this is the synopsis..
On the first day at his new school, Cameron instantly falls for Bianca , the gorgeous girl of his dream !the only problem is Bianca is forbidden to date until her older sister Kat goes out too !in an attempt to solve his problem, Cameron single out the only guy who could possibly be match for Kat , a mysterious bad boy( its heath ! )with a nasty reputation of his own!

Source : google , my DVD